Thursday, April 29, 2010

Siena Reading to Lilli

We were able to get Siena to read to Lilli. She added a little more to the story this time.

Visit with Grampa

Siena's Horse

Gramma made Siena a horse for being a good big sister.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tummy Time!

Tummy time with Daddy. Lilli is really starting to hold her head up. She bobs it around some and eventually just drops it, but she's getting stronger every day. She's still not a big fan of tummy time, but doesn't mind it too much when she's doing it on Daddy or Mommy.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Lilli has finally started smiling at her Daddy. And also the window.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Nonna taught Siena good painting habits. Awesome.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wide-eyed Lilli

A few of the pictures of Lilli with eyes wide open. Yes, that is Phebe being sweet to a baby.

Visit with Nonna & Great Grandma

Nonna and Great Grandma came to visit (of course lots of pictures were taken).

Rain, Rain, Go Away?

Siena got an umbrella, raincoat, and rainboots from Great Grandma. She's been wearing it all around the house. We finally got some rain, but it was at night and she was already asleep. She did get to go outside and stomp in the puddles the next morning (still in her pajamas).

Swimming Ducks

The ducklings and chicks are growing so fast. We let the ducks try to swim. The pictures in the pool and the video are only about 3 days apart. The last picture is the ducks trying to swim in their water.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Chicks & Ducklings

This was the other Easter present that we got last week. It's more for the whole family. We wanted another chicken in case something happens to one of the bigger ones and we decided to go ahead and get 2 (just in case one turns out to be a rooster). We decided to get the ducklings to raise for a little while and then release into the pond behind our house. Siena loves them and it has been quite the challenge to keep her from picking them up when we are cleaning out the kennel.

Easter Pictures

Siena and Lilli had a good Easter. The pictures are of their Easter basket and the girls in their Easter dresses. Siena is wearing one of her Lesy dresses (this was made by Stefano's family in Italy). Lilli is wearing the dress that was Gramma's and then Mommy's and she and Siena have now worn. We didn't get a chance to do an Easter egg hunt this year, maybe we'll get to it next year.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Siena found a little notepad and decided to make up a story. Luckily I was able to catch some of it on video. She is saying "Once upon a time, Mommy lives on a soft 'blanklet'" (which is from her McDuff & the Baby book). The other things she was saying that I couldn't catch on video were "Once upon a time, Mommy lived in a castle" and "Once upon a time, Mommy lived with the chicks". I love listening to the things that she comes up with. She has quite the imagination!